The individual sessions are designed to allow expression of your inner most concerns in a private non-judgmental space.

I provide individual therapy programmes to meet your immediate and long term goals and ambitions.

In our work we will actively develop a healthy professional relationship in which we can focus on the emerging themes of your life.

I use active listening and observing to fully comprehend the issues you present that, together, we can illuminate specific events and dynamics from a fresh perspective. This offers you new opportunities to determine approaches, responses and decisions in these areas of your life.

I offer three basic types of individual sessions to meet your needs:

1. VIP Session

Have you got a lot on your mind and need a confidential, professional conversation regarding a particular event or life situation? This session may be for you. 

This 2-24 hour session may be useful for if you have formerly been in therapy and need support for a specific problem or challenge. It may also be useful to persons new to therapy to understand if it is the correct healing solution for you.

Once this session is completed you may feel satisfied and, if so, you have no need to feel committed to  further work. However you may decide you want or need to continue; if that is the case….


2. Accelerated Healing Programme

A three month programme designed to address, reflect, prepare or adapt to given situations swiftly.  

It is crucial for you to accept and grasp that change means doing things differently than you may have in your life up to this point.

This series promotes attaining the mindset that is prepared for taking action which means choosing alternative routes or responses to the ones you usually take.

3. Life Journey Series

This programme is designed for Transformation. Here we recognise the size of the task and make a courageous and firm commitment to reach a predetermined or desired range of outcomes.

Sessions in this programme require you to keep a steady pace, releasing old ways of coping, integrating new learning, gaining new methodologies and experimenting with new approaches. We will initially work over a six month period.